Men are funny and kind of predictable. Every year my husband asks what I want for my birthday and every year I tell him "nothing." Which of course translated from womenese to menglish means, "Can't you think of something on your own? Surprise me." I decided this year to have some fun and told him that diamonds are always a nice gift. I opened up a little jewelry box last night with diamond earrings inside. He thinks he is THE MAN and he told me he can't remember me ever saying anything about diamonds. Oh hon, you're so cute. Like an adorable little puppy who's leash I'm holding. :) (Disclaimer if my mother-in-law is reading this: I do not think of him as my puppy and just want you to know that you raised a pretty incredible son. And tell Dad thanks for cooking while he was growing up so he could see that men can cook and for teaching him how to do home improvement.)
They really are quite lovely earrings.