Tuesday, March 03, 2009

The Monkey Who Had Adventures by Zoey Guikema

Written by Zoey, age 7, second grader.

There wons (once) was a monkey named Phill.
He wonc (once) flingd (flung) poo. Then he got erested (arrested) for flinging poo.
He stad (stayed) in there for 100 years. He was hongry and tired.
Then he got out of galle. (jail) to see his grandson and he was happy.

The end.


Amy said...

You know I had heard poo flinging had a pretty stiff jail sentence...but I had no idea it was a 100years...good to know!!

Too Cute!

Brenda said...

Probably one of the BEST short stories I've ever heard.

Thanks for sharing.

There are a lot of days I feel like Phill and just want to fling poo.