Monday, June 07, 2010

14 years of Wedded Bliss

Fourteen years ago today we naively stood in front of our friends and family and vowed to love each other for better or worse.  I say naively because we had no idea what marriage, family and life would bring us and all the "for better and worse" circumstances we would face together.  I am blessed to call this man my husband, lover (I know, get a room already), parenting partner and friend.  Here's to another 14 years and more Lover Lips!  (Seriously, could we have picked a cheesier nickname for each other and could my bouquet BE any bigger?)


MiniMe Mom said...

Congrats! Wishing you many more:-)

Oh, and my bouquet was large and in charge, too!

Parenting in blue jeans said...

Yes, naive is the perfect word for it! Here, here to another 14 years!