Friday, February 15, 2008

One more thing. O.K., more than one.

Alright, it's after lunch. I am still in my bathrobe doing laundry and avoiding packing for our trip and I thought I would give you the highlights of our week & Valentine's Day. (I knew you needed one more post to get you through the week without me! Yeah, right.) :)

  • My husband gave me a lovely note to wake up to that said I was beautiful and thanked me for everything I do. Then I got to thinking, does he love me just because I do everything around here? So, I asked him why he didn't just write I love everything about you. His response? "Trust me honey. I didn't give it that much thought when I wrote it at 6 a.m." 'Nough said. ;)

  • The kiddos I put on the bus every day got me yellow tulips. Love flowers. Love yellow. Way to go C & C!

  • I put 12 love notes (4 per kid) inside of balloons and then blew them up and my kids popped them to see why mom and dad love them so much. (Thanks to Hip Moms for the idea.)

  • Went to the Casting Crowns concert last night. Very good. They're not DCB (David Crowder Band) but they did rock!

Hope you had a great Valentine's Day. Love ya. (Well, some of you I love and some of you quite honestly, I barely know.)


Brenda said...

I hope I fall in the "you love me" category :)

Kim said...

Me too! Have a great trip!!! Loved the Valentine ideas - you are a great MOM!!

Michelle said...

have so much fun on your trip! I will as usual, remain here round and ripe awaiting your blogging return!

Patti said...

Too cute your Valentine ideas. On Valentine's morning I came downstairs, gave them a hug to wish them a Happy Valetine's Day, and then said, "Now go upstairs and put on something red."

Have a terrific time in Arizona!

Amanda said...

Have a great trip! Sounds like you are getting out of Dodge right on time! And, Laurie, you are one of the coolest moms I know. :) Whenever I read your blog I take mental notes in case I'm ever a mom and have the chance to be as cool as you. ;)

MiniMe Mom said...

The balloon idea is too cute. I would take notes but I am too lazy to be that creative, honestly. LOL

Have a wonderful trip!

Patti said...

I'm going through Laurie withdrawal. I'm jones-ing for a post. Get back soon! Miss ya!