Wednesday, July 30, 2008

VBS Week

This week I'm leading games at our church where over 350 kids are coming every day. The first day I met my "assistant" who is entering seventh grade. Can you say baby face? He was late the first day and so I told him if he was late again I would make him run wind sprints. His eyes bugged out of his head and he said, "Oh no. I'll be on time from now."

Every time I picture his face, I laugh out loud. I love middle schoolers. They're so gullible.


Patti said...

You crack me up...wind sprints...I haven't heard that term since elementary school.

Michelle said...

what's a wind sprint again?

they sounds hideous.

(confessions of a non-tomboy) ;)

Amanda said...

Gullible!? You TOTALLY would have made him do it! Thanks for the funny comments on my last blog...glad to know I didn't lose any faithful followers! :) We'll have to get a drink soon.