Monday, December 03, 2007

To my body: Pick a "problem area" and stick with it. Don't go and create new ones. Thanks.

To the family dressing room in Target: You are very unflattering.


Patti said...

It's the's ALWAYS the mirror...and the lighting too!! I just wish they had dimmer switches in the fitting room so that I could tone down the pasty white color of my skin.

Dana said...


Amy said...

I'm right with ya sista!! My training has been benched due to one injury after another!! What's with that? Here you are trying to do something healthy and good and the old body wants nothing to do with it!! Oh to be 20 again!

MiniMe Mom said...

Have you been to the Children's Museum and looked in the "skinny" mirror? Love that one. I swear these department stores need to learn that if the lighting were friendlier and the mirror a bit deceiving, they would sell a lot more clothes.