Friday, September 28, 2007

Things I Learned This Week

  1. A new parenting philosophy (thanks Betsy D.V.) called Spoiled Strictly. Be strict with your kids on the important things and remember to spoil them sometimes too.
  2. The exposed area in the back is now called the "Second Cleavage." Oy vey. This means that girls not only know that their backside is showing, but are trying to show it off. (And let's not kid ourselves, moms are doing it too as I saw a mom's thong on display when she sat down today. Eeewww.)
  3. I am not as fast as I once was in a game of Capture the Flag and second graders can now catch me.
  4. God desires a daily relationship with me. Keyword for me to remember is daily.
  5. I get the most stressed out during the day moments before the bus is set to arrive.
  6. Don't ever say, "I never ..." Like I never spank my kids anymore ... oh wait ... except when the bus is coming & they are moving like snails and I am stressed out. :)
  7. There are some really great people in this world --- and some really not great ones.
  8. There is nothing like receiving a compliment about your kid that recognizes their character. Not their physical appearance but their character.
  9. That Jesus not only died on the cross for me, but also laid down his dignity as he was stripped, flogged, and mocked. (Beth Moore is so insightful and her passion for the Lord is contagious.)
  10. My kids look forward to the weekend just as much as I do.


Julie said...

Wow! You have had a busy week of learning--make sure to relax this weekend--you deserve it!

Amy said...

Life just keeps proving to us that you never stop learning!! I applaud you...the minute we think that we have it all figured out is when life will throw us that awful curve ball sending us back to our knees!!

Amanda said...

Hey Laurie! Lots of good lessons! It was great seeing you this summer! I'm sorry I was never able to take you up on that family dinner. :( I really wanted to see the rest of the Guiks, but every time I got my schedule I was either working or had other plans over the dinner hour. Well, at least we have blogging. Take care and have a great year.