Thursday, March 06, 2008


This post is dedicated to my lovable almost four year old son.

How I truly know that I'm not 4 but 34. Wait, darn it. I'm 35!
  1. I no longer jump in puddles in my good shoes. Dude, get out of the puddles when you're wearing Merrells.

  2. I no longer stuff my face with so much food that I literally can't swallow. Dude, puking chicken pot pie is so not cool.
  3. I no longer announce in public when I've just farted. While talking with a teacher at school yesterday, Zach kept interrupting me to tell me that he just "fawted". Nice. Dude, milk this one for as long as you can ...


Amanda said...

Ha ha...clever, very clever. (Sorry, I was with British people tonight.)

Michelle said...

you are never too old to fart in public.

Patti said...

Zach is SUCH a cutie. And he's full of personality!

Amy said...

I think my word for Kali is...seriously!! Seriously ya have to take all 7 blankey's with ya to go to the grocery store!! Oh those little love um!!