Saturday, February 17, 2007

Big Uh-Oh

While traveling to IKEA (aka: the promised land) with my good friend Stephanie, we had quite a few adventures. The first involved her husband's truck which did one slight hiccup while we were driving and chatting & to which Steph calmly responded to by saying, "Oh, we are running out of gas." We proceeded to do what any girl in this situation would do: start giggling like mad. As we coasted through the exit and blasted through a stop sign we managed to somehow steer the car that was no longer running next to the gas pumps to fill up. Crisis number one avoided.
Back on the road, we went to grab some lunch before heading to IKEA (previously mentioned promised land.) We were sitting there eating our Jimmy John's sub and I was telling a story of how my bathroom sink seems to "eat" a lot of my jewelry & while I tell this story, I look down and see my diamond wedding ring minus the diamond. There on my finger sits a gold ring with six prongs sticking up, completely and totally naked. I proceeded to do what any girl in this situation would do: start giggling like mad. I don't know if it was the shock, strange appearance of my ring, or my anticipation of shopping at IKEA that made me laugh but I must admit I did LOL. Crisis number two: yet to be resolved.

Crisis number three: Once finally getting inside the store, I had to use the bathroom. My exact quote, "I'm at the promised land and now I have to go poopy." I'm happy to say this crisis was resolved rather quickly.

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