Monday, May 22, 2006

Becoming a Soccer Mom

I have the mini-van, the three kids, and daily commitments of running my kids between school and activities. And now that I have my oldest child in soccer, I have come to the realization that I really am a soccer mom. I am the one calling the coach to explain that we lost the schedule just minutes after receiving it because our four year old decided she wanted to see it "fly" out the window in the back of the van. (Note to you all - 28th St. on a Saturday afternoon is busy and you will not find whatever "accidentally" got lost.) I am also the mom who is chasing her toddler off the field right before the ball comes at him. I also am the designated mom who takes all the kids to the playground because I have the youngest kids who are bored watching the game. I also am the mom who patiently sits next to two fanatical soccer parents who believe their job is tell every kid on the field where to play. I believe in competition, but I believe more in having fun. So, after watching this mom (not a coach) go out on the field between plays and take my daughter by the hand to show her her position - I SAID "ENOUGH". Tomorrow night at soccer practice, we are having a "team meeting" and I am proud to say that I am the mom who called the coach.

1 comment:

denhartigh said...

That deserves an AMEN sister!